Collections of Australian Sagacious Art by Initially NO
2006, Australian Sagacious Art Collection, Monsters in the Landscape - by visual artist, and founder of the Australian Sagacious Art Movement.
Collections of Australian Sagacious Art
by Initially NO
Prior to 2003, all visual art by Initially No, signed Nerissa Ockerby (birthname, changed in 2006).
2005 Visual Art Collection – ‘But what is it?’, 31 paintings, mostly sold.
2006 Visual Art Collection – ‘Monsters in the landscape’, 48 paintings, sold many.
Still viable to exhibit as a large collection, via contacting Initially NO -
2007 Visual Art Collection – ‘Faceted’ 9 mixed-media paintings, 1828mm x 1218mm, on canvas stretchers.
2007 Visual Art Collection – ‘Phantastic Voyage’.
2008 Visual Art Collection – ‘Containers’.
2009 Visual Art Collection – ‘Reddening’, has book, paintings, sculpture, and song-writing.
2010 Visual Art Collection – ‘Crowds and Characters’, 16 paintings, not all available, sold.
2011 Visual Art Collection – ‘Out There’. Important exhibition of oil paintings, not large in number not size of canvases, visually very real, not all available, sold.
2013-2018 Visual Art Collection, Industrial Composite
2018-2023 Visual Art Collection, Essential,
1. paintings on canvases,
2. artworks for a closer inspection of the law,
3. visual artworks on paper