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Collections of Australian Sagacious Art by Initially NO

2006, Australian Sagacious Art Collection, Monsters in the Landscape - by visual artist, and founder of the Australian Sagacious Art Movement.


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Collections of Australian Sagacious Art

by Initially NO

Prior to 2003, all visual art by Initially No, signed Nerissa Ockerby (birthname, changed in 2006).

2005 Visual Art Collection – ‘But what is it?’, 31 paintings, mostly sold.

2006 Visual Art Collection – ‘Monsters in the landscape’, 48 paintings, sold many.

Still viable to exhibit as a large collection, via contacting Initially NO - 

2007 Visual Art Collection – ‘Faceted’ 9 mixed-media paintings, 1828mm x 1218mm, on canvas stretchers.

2007 Visual Art Collection – ‘Phantastic Voyage’.

2008 Visual Art Collection – ‘Containers’.

2009 Visual Art Collection – ‘Reddening’, has book, paintings, sculpture, and song-writing.

2010 Visual Art Collection – ‘Crowds and Characters’, 16 paintings, not all available, sold.

2011 Visual Art Collection – ‘Out There’. Important exhibition of oil paintings, not large in number not size of canvases, visually very real, not all available, sold.

2013-2018 Visual Art Collection, Industrial Composite

2018-2023 Visual Art Collection, Essential,

1. paintings on canvases,

2. artworks for a closer inspection of the law,

3. visual artworks on paper



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