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The Full Story


Initially NO

Business name since 2005, and legal name since 2008.

Member of NAVA, AWS, APRA-AMCOS, and MEAA (Actors Equity in 1990s).

Composed more than 50 songs, and played them at gigs, in Melbourne. 

As a performing artist Initially NO, with Actors Equity, she also worked with spoken word poetry, comedy. After years of performing characters on stage by playwrights, she focused on necessity to write, and used her professional editing qualifications.  When there is necessity to challenge and change another's directions (when the direction is unlawful directive) to get the task accomplished, a diligent citizen must always be assertive. Publishing books, with USA platform and printer CreateSpace (now with Amazon), and publisher Chipmunka UK. 

Demanding civil rights in Australia isn't easy. There is denial of publication, and sabotage to business, despite University qualification good work ethic, and Ms Initially No, being someone whom is law abiding. When the legislation that is repugnant, needs to be made null and void, don't null & void the citizens whom speak the truth - that must be something to allow.

Attempting to demand that there be no further unconstitutional legislation, used to exploit citizens, Ms Initially No, set up a group named - Victims' of Psychiatrists' violations, Abolish Psychiatry, and worked with people worldwide, in this. 

That, in a paragraph, tells something of Ms Initially No. For the full story you need to see her fine art exhibitions, and read her literature. Then, there will be more books, and fine art, and music, and speeches, unless the world prefers that creative artists become security matter, for government, or horrid criminals, that take everything and sabotage everything, and theft from creative artists, and authors that are law-abiding, and original.

Laws, legislation and literature

It is important that people recognise that copyright exists for a reason, it is essential, that authors, visual artists, and voice-over artists, as well as song-writers, are never subjected to sabotage, when their work is original, creative and strong.


Make policy, that makes sense.

Reinforce the laws already there.

Do not allow for repugnancy.

Never violate law-abiding citizens with machines!

Holocaust prevention, is essential. Don't allow for fascism, by mechanical contrivances.

Demand reinstatement of thousands of years of understanding of Australia, that every country in the world respects, reinforces, is that of their thousands of years of understanding.



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