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This year – 2022

2022 is annus utlilis, a year that can be used, where legal rights can be exercised.

Let no free human be taken or imprisoned – that from the Magna Carta. That free human is a person whom is obedient to the law of the country, and therefore should be free from detention.

That it is also a year where – the outward acts indicate the thoughts hidden within. Such as where criminal intent and action are overt even when stealth is intended; and the people whom are law abiding are also more obvious, and not as easily falsely blamed.

Notorious attempts by psychiatrists, to arbitrarily detain, torture and enslave, and name the people they violate as not free. It is the criminals who are not free to go, and must be under judgement. Anything else is a structural error, not permitted to be named a court. The notorious attempts to concoct fraud via espionage devices, and name that biomedical, and employee benefit plans for criminals, including a cafeteria plan.

Australia must not go stupid on the medical-expense reimbursement plan any longer.

The intercorporate extremists are genocide, those medico-pharmaceutical criminals must be stopped, with their intentions that go against fundamental laws and understanding of humanity. Enslavers are crimes, and need to be controlled, and punished so they’ll stop violating, and all will be deterred from that attempt to blame-shift onto the people the enslavers violated.

And that getting in the way of annulment, the voiding of legislation non-compliant with Constitution 1-V-51-xxiiiA. The voiding of legislation that is in flagrant violation with the Constitution; may also have announcement necessary of annulment of judgement, where there was bribe or other coercion; the retroactive obliteration of a judicial situation made under contrivance, that is easily recognise in the transcripts, as that of an error to obstruct the Constitutional compliance. That there cannot be references to customers and proprietors having ‘relationships’ without being sordid, that and many other errors, that in a transcript really look flawed, and crime of obstruction of justice and the Constitutional rights of Australian citizens to refuse medical provisions and services.


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